Satellite radio
(XM, Sirius, etc.)?
No; certain in-car antennas for satellite radio do cause false alarms when V1 is very close.
GPS? No; however may V1 alert when its laser sensor is pointed directly toward an in-car navigation display.
Laptop computers? NO
Cell Phones? Not for 850 MHz (traditional) phones;
occasionally with PCS 1.9 Ghz phones in a few areas (depends on service provider).
CB radios? NO
Family-band radios (FRS)? NO
Garage door openers? No, though Urban Legend says otherwise. Might have been confused with self-opening store doors operating on microwave frequencies, which are radar sources.
Utility wires? NO
Military bases? No. Older V1s sometimes produced laser alerts in response to long-range air-search radars located at or near military bases.
Airports? No. Older V1s sometimes produced laser alerts in response to Air Traffic Control regional-center radars located near airports (example: Indianapolis).
Microwave ovens? No. This is another Urban Legend.