A town as dark as its Sheriff’s heart

I live in Fountain Hills, a small desert town off the northeast edge of Scottsdale, Arizona. Besides having a 29-acre lake with a fountain that briefly jets water high in the sky every hour (9am to 9pm), Fountain Hills has another distinction—it’s an International Dark Sky Community.

The sky is dark and so are the roads at night–no street lights except at major intersections—which provides our Sheriff’s department the unique opportunity to park in the blackness just off the pavement and wait for a speeding Dodo to fall into its prey bag.

Although I ALWAYS abide by the posted speed limits—look, Officer, no crossed fingers or anything–my wife and I absolutely enjoy the cat-and-mouse game called Where Is The Sheriff Hiding Now?

V1 is brilliant at this frivolity. Most of the time, I don’t even see which side of the road he’s parked. Usually my wife spots him as we pass, and V1 confirms when the Behind arrow lights up.

Thanks, Mike, for keeping me in the No Dodo club.

Peter Erdekian
Fountain Hills, AZ