When a Test Turns Into Reality
I was radar testing after midnight on the main road in my town. There is a radar sign that tells you your speed. It’s on a straight road. I wanted to see if there was a difference in V1’s range with its forward antenna vs. the rearward antenna. To start, I drove far away from … continued
Goodbye, Old Friend
Mike, this is less of a “moment” and more of a good-bye to an old friend…Valentine One serial number 3060550373. I purchased that guy from you back in 1994 and he has kept a watchful eye over my most important life changes. Now he is going back to you for an “upgrade”. He was there … continued
Why? Because V1 Says So
Got my V1 for Christmas. There is an area where a new Home Depot was built. It is about a half mile from the road but close enough so that the self-opening doors give off a signal. Our Solo would always chirp and we would ignore it when we hit this area. I am in … continued
Out of the Zone, Still in Danger
I took a road trip this fall through WV. In the construction areas, the signs had K-band drones that set V1 off. I gave full attention to these alerts until I could visually verify each one was a sign only and not somebody hiding in the weeds. I watched this with four of them. On … continued
Amongst the Detectors, One Out-Detector
This is about V1 Moments of long ago, back in the mid-nineties. The scene is One Lap of America, Brock Yates’s spiritual revival of his original—and outrageous—coast-to-coast Cannonball Run. Radar detectors were a must. V1 was the newest thing then; of course we wanted one, but there was a waiting list in those days. We … continued
A Shriek in the Night
It had been a late evening, my friends and I had just left the restaurant. One of them takes the same highway I do to get home, so we end up going the same way. He has no detector, I have my V1. As we hit the on ramp of the highway, I’m in the … continued
Uncle Knows Best
Interstate 57 between Cairo, IL, and Effingham runs through the notorious Pulaski County. I am in the lead car with my V1; my nephew is following in his car. He calls on the cell to ask why I was slowing down. My personal bird dog was barking, I told him, and it pointed to the … continued
Reservation Revelations
Last weekend a friend and I decided to go for a little ski trip. The plan was to leave Northern Arizona University and drive the Navajo Indian reservation on a Friday night, getting to my parent’s house in Telluride, Colorado, very late. Door to door, it’s 350 miles, yet the possibility of heavy traffic enforcement … continued
A Guard Not Dropped
I was traveling west on I-70 in central Kansas. My V1 lit up, pointing to radar coming towards me. So I made sure my numbers were right and, about 20 seconds later, I met an eastbound State Trooper. Here’s where the story takes the path less traveled. The red arrow didn’t follow the Trooper. Instead, … continued
Zat You, Bogey 2?
I can never say it enough–V1’s unique features are the best! Here I am in the combat zone, driving to Danbury, CT, on I-684 where, especially at night, our State Trooper friends like to hang! But this time they get tricky; this wise guy decides to hang where I usually get a K signal. I … continued