Behind the Truck I Saw My Enemy

Here in Puerto Rico, Ka band is used to monitor speed. The other day as I was traveling about 70 on the highway, my V1 said “one enemy patrol behind very far.”

As I continued in my Ford Explorer, my V1 continued with one Ka behind, but incrementing in strength. I looked through the mirror and no enemy was in sight. I decided to slow down to 15 under the limit. By now the strength was at half. I looked again and saw an 18 wheeler half a mile behind. As I watched it getting close my V1 went to full Ka warning.

Looking closely behind the truck I saw my enemy. The truck passed me. The patrol was right behind me. As I felt nervous, the patrol turned on the blue lights to pull over. He comes to me and asks for my license and registration. He tells me that he saw me going very fast when I was passing an intersection, but he had his radar off.

When he was able to turn on the Ka, I was too far to even see because of the curves. In that moment I remembered V1 telling me one Ka far, and when he could see me he said I was going far below the speed limit. Because I didn’t turn V1 off when he pulled me over, it was at full strength and the volume very loud. I remembered it when he told me “well, I have to let you go this time, but take it easy on the road.”

I said to him “thank you, officer.” He then responds, “thank that thing on your windshield”

Willie Morales
Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico