Finds the Polizei, too

V1 went with me on my last trip to Europe.

Just before midnight I was driving on one of the main streets in Vienna, capital of Austria, with V1 re-programmed for the European frequencies and mounted onto my BMW’s rearview mirror. Traffic was mild, and there was a sign indicating a reduced speed limit of 18 mph because of an upcoming construction site. Of course everyone ignored it, all local drivers knowing that in a heavily unionized country such as Austria, encountering road construction workers at 11 pm on the weekend was a political impossibility.

Technically, though, the lowered speed limit was still in effect.

Suddenly my V1 went on full alert. Laser from the front, it reported, and I slowed to the posted. Nobody else did. The car behind passed me at a rapid pace. Another laser alert warned me not to speed up again. I couldn’t see any threat, but V1 could, and I was positive that, somewhere, it lurked.

After listening to V1’s high-volume laser shriek about six times, my passenger began complaining, saying there was absolutely no way that any speed enforcement could be out now. But V1 insisted otherwise, and it had already gained my trust.

It paid off. After about 20 seconds of coasting at this snail pace, we finally spotted them—a large trap, well-hidden to the right side of the road, with several cars and four officers, one of them nailing me at point-blank range with his lidar gun, apparently unable to believe that I did, in fact, obey the posted limit. Another officer waved his orange LED light stick, “inviting” the car that had passed me half a minute ago to “join the party”.

This V1 has now officially emigrated from America; it has worked so well that I decided to hard-wire it in my European car, and I just ordered another unit for the US.

Mike, my respects and gratitude for this top-of-the-line detector which keeps saving me dollars, euros, and grief.

Alexander Kappner
Los Angeles, CA

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