Free and Flawed

My girlfriend bought me a Passport 9500i for Christmas. I thought it was okay, not great. Every day on my way to work I passed a speed sign transmitting K band. One morning the 9500i went beep just like always but you know who was waiting for me in the parking lot beyond the sign. He pulled me over, said I was doing 10 over.

He told me he would just give me a warning. Then he noticed the Passport on the windshield. He bent down, looked me in the eye, and said, “If you had a V1 you would have known I was there.” I asked him how he knew about V1. He told me that neither he nor his wife drive anywhere without their V1s.

I took his advice. If a traffic cop prefers V1, you know it has to be the best. I received my V1 today and replaced the 9500idiot.

Michael Hoots
Lake Lure, NC