One More Believer Added To the List

I was headed North on I-85 from Charlotte about midnight. One of my passengers stated that any speed in excess of 80mph in the state of North Carolina was an automatic driver-license suspension.

“You put a lot of faith in that little box on your windshield, don’t you” he said.

About a mile ahead, a car topped a hill and V1 gave a two-light warning.  I told him that radar was waiting for us just beyond the crest.  I throttled back a bit and when we eased over the hilltop all hell broke loose in that little box, a solid blare on the audio, the full eight LEDs glowing on the strength meter.

My passenger’s jaw dropped to his knees.  Smokey was in a black Camaro.  No chrome.  The full dark-out.  We didn’t spot him right away.

About five miles up the road, same story, second verse.  My guy was sold and we made a quick time home.

Tim Hobbs,

Danville, VA

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